Migrating from SkoolKit 3

SkoolKit 4 includes some changes that make it incompatible with SkoolKit 3. If you have developed a disassembly using SkoolKit 3 and find that skool2html.py no longer works with your skool files or ref files, or produces broken output, look through the following sections for tips on how to migrate your disassembly to SkoolKit 4.


The [Info] section, introduced in SkoolKit 2.0, is not supported in SkoolKit 4. If you have one in your ref file, move its contents to the [Game] section.


The [Graphics] section, introduced in SkoolKit 2.0.5, is not supported in SkoolKit 4. If you have one in your ref file, you can migrate it thus:

  • Rename the [Graphics] section [PageContent:Graphics]

  • Create a [Paths] section if you don’t already have one, and add a line for the Graphics page:

  • Create an [Index:Graphics:Graphics] section if you don’t already have one, and add the Graphics page ID (to make a link to it appear on the disassembly index page); for example:



In [Page:*] sections, the following parameters are no longer supported:

  • BodyClass
  • Link
  • Path
  • Title

The CSS class for the <body> element of a custom page is now set to the page ID. The path, title, header and link text for a custom page can be defined in the [Paths], [Titles], [PageHeaders] and [Links] sections.


In [OtherCode:*] sections, the following parameters are no longer supported:

  • Header
  • Index
  • IndexPageId
  • Link
  • Path
  • Title

The paths, titles, headers and link text for the pages in a secondary disassembly can be defined in the [Paths], [Titles], [PageHeaders] and [Links] sections; see the documentation on [OtherCode:*] sections for more details.

‘z’ and ‘Z’ directives

The ‘z’ and ‘Z’ control directives (and the corresponding ‘z’ blocks in skool files) are not supported in SkoolKit 4; they should be replaced by ‘s’ and ‘S’ directives.

Register table headers

Input and output register table headers on disassembly pages are now displayed by default, with header text ‘Input’ and ‘Output’.

To hide the register table headers (as was the default behaviour in SkoolKit 3), use the following CSS rule:

tr.asm-input-header, tr.asm-output-header {display: none;}

CSS selectors

The class attributes of many HTML elements have changed in SkoolKit 4.

The following table lists the selectors that appeared in the CSS files in SkoolKit 3, and their replacements (if any) in SkoolKit 4.

SkoolKit 3 SkoolKit 4
div.box1 div.box-1
div.box2 div.box-2
div.boxTitle div.box-title
div.changelog1 div.changelog-1
div.changelog2 div.changelog-2
div.changelogDesc div.changelog-desc
div.changelogTitle div.changelog-title
div.gbufDesc div.map-entry-title-11
div.headerText div.section-header
div.mapIntro div.map-intro
table.dataDisassembly table.disassembly
table.gbuffer table.map
table.input table.input-1
table.output table.output-1
table.prevNext table.asm-navigation
td.address td.address-1
td.asmLabel td.asm-label-1
td.comment td.comment-11
td.data td.map-b, td.map-w
td.dataComment td.comment-11
td.dataDesc td.map-b-desc, td.map-w-desc
td.gbufAddress td.map-b, td.map-c, td.map-g, td.map-s, td.map-t, td.map-u, td.map-w
td.gbuffer td.map-g
td.gbufferDesc td.map-g-desc
td.gbufLength td.map-length-1
td.headerText td.page-header
td.label td.address-2
td.mapByte td.map-byte-1
td.mapPage td.map-page-1
td.message td.map-t
td.messageDesc td.map-t-desc
td.routine td.map-c
td.routineComment td.routine-comment
td.routineDesc td.map-c-desc
td.transparentComment td.comment-10
td.transparentDataComment td.comment-10
td.unused td.map-s, td.map-u
td.unusedDesc td.map-s-desc, td.map-u-desc
ul.indexList ul.index-list
ul.linkList ul.contents

The following table lists selectors for the classes that were unstyled (i.e. did not appear in any CSS files) in SkoolKit 3, and their replacements (if any) in SkoolKit 4.

SkoolKit 3 SkoolKit 4
body.bugs body.Bugs
body.changelog body.Changelog
body.disassembly body.Asm-b, body.Asm-c, body.Asm-g, body.Asm-s, body.Asm-t, body.Asm-u, body.Asm-w
body.facts body.Facts
body.gbuffer body.GameStatusBuffer
body.glossary body.Glossary
body.main body.GameIndex
body.map body.DataMap, body.MemoryMap, body.MessagesMap, body.RoutinesMap, body.UnusedMap
body.pokes body.Pokes
div.gbufDetails div.map-entry-desc-1
td.gbufDesc td.map-b-desc, td.map-c-desc, td.map-g-desc, td.map-s-desc, td.map-t-desc, td.map-u-desc, td.map-w-desc
td.headerLogo td.logo
td.registerContents td.register-desc


The skoolkit3to4.py script may be used to convert a skool file, ref file, control file, skool file template or CSS file that is compatible with SkoolKit 3 into a file that will work with SkoolKit 4. For example, to convert game.ref:

$ skoolkit3to4.py game.ref > game4.ref

Note, however, that skoolkit3to4.py converts a CSS file by simply replacing each selector that is used in SkoolKit 3 with its SkoolKit 4 equivalent(s), which means that complex CSS rules may not be converted correctly.