.. _components: SkoolKit components =================== SkoolKit relies on several components in order to function: * :ref:`assembler` * :ref:`ctlComposer` * :ref:`ctlGenerator` * :ref:`disassembler` * :ref:`htmlTemplateFormatter` * :ref:`instructionUtility` * :ref:`operandEvaluator` * :ref:`operandFormatter` * :ref:`snapshotReader` * :ref:`snapshotRefCalc` The objects that are used for these components can be specified in the ``[skoolkit]`` section of a file named `skoolkit.ini` either in the current working directory or in `~/.skoolkit`. The default contents of the ``[skoolkit]`` section are as follows:: Assembler=skoolkit.z80.Assembler ControlDirectiveComposer=skoolkit.skoolctl.ControlDirectiveComposer ControlFileGenerator=skoolkit.snactl Disassembler=skoolkit.disassembler.Disassembler HtmlTemplateFormatter=skoolkit.skoolhtml.TemplateFormatter InstructionUtility=skoolkit.skoolparser.InstructionUtility OperandEvaluator=skoolkit.z80 OperandFormatter=skoolkit.disassembler.OperandFormatter SnapshotReader=skoolkit.snapshot SnapshotReferenceCalculator=skoolkit.snaskool SnapshotReferenceOperations=DJ,JR,JP,CA,RS .. _assembler: Assembler --------- This object is responsible for converting assembly language instructions and DEFB/DEFM/DEFS/DEFW statements into byte values, or computing their size. It must supply the following API functions, in common with skoolkit.z80.Assembler: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.z80.Assembler :members: assemble, get_size .. _ctlComposer: Control directive composer -------------------------- This class is responsible for computing the type, length and sublengths of a DEFB/DEFM/DEFS/DEFW statement, or the operand bases of a regular instruction, for the purpose of composing a control directive. It must supply the following API methods, in common with skoolkit.skoolctl.ControlDirectiveComposer: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.skoolctl.ControlDirectiveComposer :members: compose If **compose()** encounters an error while parsing an operation and cannot recover, it should raise a SkoolParsingError: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.SkoolParsingError .. _ctlGenerator: Control file generator ---------------------- This object is reponsible for generating a dictionary of control directives from a snapshot. Each key in the dictionary is an address, and the associated value is the control directive (e.g. 'b' or 'c') for that address. The control file generator object must supply the following API function, in common with skoolkit.snactl: .. automodule:: skoolkit.snactl :members: generate_ctls .. _disassembler: Disassembler ------------ This class is responsible for converting byte values into assembly language instructions and DEFB/DEFM/DEFS/DEFW statements. It must supply the following API methods, in common with skoolkit.disassembler.Disassembler: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.disassembler.Disassembler :members: disassemble, defb_range, defm_range, defs_range, defw_range The 3-element tuples returned by these methods should have the form ``(address, operation, bytes)``, where: * ``address`` is the address of the instruction * ``operation`` is the operation (e.g. 'XOR A', 'DEFB 1') * ``bytes`` is a sequence of byte values for the instruction (e.g. ``(62, 0)`` for 'LD A,0') The *sublengths* argument of the :meth:`defb_range`, :meth:`defm_range`, :meth:`defs_range` and :meth:`defw_range` methods is a sequence of 2-element tuples of the form ``(size, base)``, each of which specifies the desired size (in bytes) and number base for an item in the DEFB/DEFM/DEFS/DEFW statement. ``base`` may have one of the following values: * 'b' - binary * 'c' - character * 'd' - decimal * 'h' - hexadecimal * 'm' - negative * 'n' - default base If the first element of *sublengths* has a ``size`` value of 0, then the method should produce a list of statements with default sizes (as determined by `defb_size`, `defm_size` and `defw_size`), using the specified base. .. _htmlTemplateFormatter: HTML template formatter ----------------------- This class is responsible for formatting HTML templates. It must supply the following API methods, in common with skoolkit.skoolhtml.TemplateFormatter: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.skoolhtml.TemplateFormatter :members: format_template .. _instructionUtility: Instruction utility ------------------- This object is responsible for performing various operations on the instructions in a skool file: * converting base and case * replacing addresses with labels (or other addresses) in instruction operands; this is required both for ASM output and for binary output * generating a dictionary of references (for each instruction that refers to another instruction); this is required for hyperlinking instruction operands in HTML output * generating a dictionary of referrers (for each instruction that is referred to by other instructions); this is required by the special ``EREF`` and ``REF`` variables of the :ref:`FOREACH` macro * deciding whether to set byte values; this affects the :ref:`PEEK` macro and the :ref:`image macros `, and instruction byte values in HTML output The object must supply the following API functions, in common with skoolkit.skoolparser.InstructionUtility: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.skoolparser.InstructionUtility :members: calculate_references, convert, set_byte_values, substitute_labels Memory map entries and remote entries have the following attributes: * *ctl* - the entry's control directive ('b', 'c', 'g', 'i', 's', 't', 'u' or 'w' for a memory map entry; `None` for a remote entry) * *instructions* - a collection of instruction objects Each instruction object has the following attributes: * *address* - the address of the instruction as stated in the skool file; note that this will not be the same as the actual address of the instruction if it has been moved by the insertion, removal or replacement of other instructions by ``@*sub`` or ``@*fix`` directives * *keep* - `None` if the instruction has no :ref:`keep` directive; an empty collection if it has a bare :ref:`keep` directive; or a collection of addresses if it has a :ref:`keep` directive with one or more values * *nowarn* - `None` if the instruction has no :ref:`nowarn` directive; an empty collection if it has a bare :ref:`nowarn` directive; or a collection of addresses if it has a :ref:`nowarn` directive with one or more values * *operation* - the operation (e.g. 'XOR A') after any ``@*sub`` or ``@*fix`` directives have been applied; for an instruction in a remote entry, this is an empty string * *sub* - `True` if the operation was supplied by ``@*sub`` or ``@*fix`` directive, `False` otherwise Each key in the references dictionary should be an instruction object, and the corresponding value should be a 3-element tuple:: (ref_instruction, address_s, use_label) * ``ref_instruction`` - the instruction referred to * ``address_s`` - the address string in the operand of the referring instruction (to be replaced by a hyperlink in HTML output) * ``use_label`` - whether to use a label as the link text for the hyperlink in HTML output; if no label for ``ref_instruction`` is defined, or ``use_label`` is `False`, the address string (``address_s``) will be used as the link text Each key in the referrers dictionary should be an instruction object, and the corresponding value should be a collection of the entries that refer to that instruction. .. versionchanged:: 8.1 Added the *mode* parameter to the :meth:`substitute_labels` method, and changed the required signature of the *warn* function. Added the *nowarn* and *sub* attributes to instruction objects. .. _operandEvaluator: Operand evaluator ----------------- This object is used by the :ref:`assembler ` to evaluate instruction operands, and by the :ref:`control directive composer ` to determine the length and sublengths of DEFB, DEFM and DEFS statements. It must supply the following API functions, in common with skoolkit.z80: .. automodule:: skoolkit.z80 :members: eval_int, eval_string, split_operands :noindex: .. _operandFormatter: Operand formatter ----------------- This class is used by the :ref:`disassembler ` to format numeric instruction operands. It must supply the following API methods, in common with skoolkit.disassembler.OperandFormatter: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.disassembler.OperandFormatter :members: format_byte, format_word, is_char .. _snapshotReader: Snapshot reader --------------- This object is responsible for producing a 65536-element list of byte values from a snapshot file. It must supply the following API functions, in common with skoolkit.snapshot: .. automodule:: skoolkit.snapshot :members: can_read, get_snapshot If **get_snapshot()** encounters an error while reading a snapshot file, it should raise a SnapshotError: .. autoclass:: skoolkit.snapshot.SnapshotError .. _snapshotRefCalc: Snapshot reference calculator ----------------------------- This object is responsible for generating a dictionary of entry point addresses from a snapshot. Each key in the dictionary is an entry point address, and the associated value is a collection of entries that jump to or call that entry point. This dictionary is needed for listing entry point referrers in a skool file (when the ``ListRefs`` configuration parameter of :ref:`sna2skool.py ` is 1 or 2). The snapshot reference calculator must supply the following API function, in common with skoolkit.snaskool: .. automodule:: skoolkit.snaskool :members: calculate_references The value of the *operations* argument is derived from the ``SnapshotReferenceOperations`` parameter in the ``[skoolkit]`` section of `skoolkit.ini`. Each memory map entry has the following attributes: * *ctl* - the entry's control directive ('b', 'c', 'g', 'i', 's', 't', 'u' or 'w') * *instructions* - a collection of instruction objects Each instruction object has the following attributes: * *address* - the address of the instruction * *bytes* - the byte values of the instruction * *label* - the instruction's label, as defined by a :ref:`label` directive * *operation* - the operation (e.g. 'XOR A') Component API ------------- The following functions are provided to facilitate access to the components and other values declared in the ``[skoolkit]`` section of `skoolkit.ini`. .. automodule:: skoolkit.components :members: get_component, get_value